Code of Conduct
MiniDebConf Maceió is committed to a safe environment for all participants. All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment. If you notice behaviour that fails to meet this standard, please speak up and help to keep MiniDebConf Maceió as respectful as we expect it to be.
If you are harassed and requests to stop are not successful, or notice a disrespectful environment, the organizers want to help. Please contact us at We will treat your request with dignity and confidentiality, investigate, and take whatever actions appropriate. We can provide information on security, emergency services, transportation, alternative accommodations, or whatever else may be necessary. If mediation is not successful, MiniDebConf Maceió reserves the right to to take action against those who do not cease unacceptable behaviour.
See the MiniDebConf Maceió Code of Conduct below and the Debian Code of Conduct.
MiniDebConf Maceió Code of Conduct
MiniDebConf Maceió, as part of the greater Debian Community, assumes good faith on all those who wish to improve Debian. However, other experiences at other conferences have shown us the need to adopt a Code of Conduct in which we state our expectations of all attendees and organizers during the MiniDebConf Maceió.
This code of conduct applies to all attendees at MiniDebConf Maceió, in addition to the Debian Code of Conduct that applies to the Debian community as a whole.
Debian Diversity Statement
The Debian Project welcomes and encourages participation by everyone.
No matter how you identify yourself or how others perceive you: we welcome you. We welcome contributions from everyone as long as they interact constructively with our community.
While much of the work for our project is technical in nature, we value and encourage contributions from those with expertise in other areas, and welcome them into our community.
Be excellent to each other
MiniDebConf Maceió is committed to providing a safe environment for all participants. All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment. If you notice behavior that fails to meet this standard, please speak up and help to keep MiniDebConf Maceió as respectful as we expect it to be.
MiniDebConf Maceió is committed to the ideals expressed in our Diversity Statement (above) and the recently adopted Debian Code of Conduct. We ask all our members, speakers, volunteers, attendees and guests to adopt these principles. We are a diverse community. Sometimes this means we need to work harder to ensure we’re creating an environment of trust and respect where all who come to participate feel comfortable and included.
We value your participation and appreciate your help in realizing this goal.
Be respectful
Respect yourself, and respect others. Be courteous to those around you. If someone indicates they don’t wish to be photographed, respect that wish. If someone indicates they would like to be left alone, let them be. Our event venues and online spaces may be shared with members of the public; please be considerate to all patrons of these locations, even if they are not involved in the conference.
Be inclusive
By default, all presentation material should be suitable for people aged 12 and above.
If you could reasonably assume that some people may be offended by your talk, please state so explicitly in the submission notes. This will be taken into account by the Content Team. In case you are unsure if this applies to you, please contact the Content Team at Please note that you are solely responsible if anything is deemed inappropriate and you did not contact the Content Team beforehand.
Be aware
We ask everyone to be aware that we will not tolerate intimidation, harassment, or any abusive, discriminatory or derogatory behavior by anyone at any Debian event or in related online media.
Complaints can be made to the organizers by contacting the registration desk or emailing All complaints made to event organizers will remain confidential and be taken seriously. The complaint will be treated appropriately and with discretion. Should event organizers or moderators consider it appropriate, measures they may take can include:
- the individuals may be told to apologize
- the individuals may be told to stop/modify their behavior appropriately
- the individuals may be warned that enforcement action may be taken if the behavior continues
- the individuals may be asked to immediately leave the venue and/or will be prohibited from continuing to attend any part of * the event
- the incident may be reported to the appropriate authorities
What does that mean for me?
All participants, including event attendees and speakers must not engage in any intimidation, harassment, or abusive or discriminatory behavior.
The following is a list of examples of behavior that is deemed highly inappropriate and will not be tolerated at MiniDebConf Maceió:
- offensive verbal or written remarks related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion;
- sexual or violent images in public spaces (including presentation slides);
- deliberate intimidation;
- stalking or following;
- unwanted photography or recording;
- sustained disruption of talks or other events;
- unwelcome physical contact or other forms of assault;
- unwelcome sexual attention;
- sexist, racist, or other exclusionary jokes;
- unwarranted exclusion from conference or related events based on age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion;
We want everyone to have a good time at our events.
If you’re not sure about anything in this conference Code of Conduct, please contact the MiniDebConf Maceió organizers at
If you wish to report a violation of this Code of Conduct, please contact
Our Promise to You.
- We will read every complaint and have several people on that alias that can help investigate and resolve the complaint.
- We will reply, in writing, as soon as possible to acknowledge the concern and assure that the matter is being investigated.
- Depending on the situation, we will talk to the reporter, the reported, or both to determine what mediation and/or action is necessary.
- Depending on the outcome of the investigation and mediation, we reserve the right to expel people not in compliance with our Code of Conduct from the venue. Debian, the MiniDebConf Maceió Organizing Committee and the venue in which the MiniDebConf Maceió is being held will not be held responsible for further costs incurred by the dismissal from the conference.