Previous editions
In 2024 the first edition of MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte took place, and It was the fifth national edition.
- MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte: 27th to 30th April. Videos: Youtube, Peertube and files. Photos: Google photos and Nextcloud.
In 2023, there were events dedicated to Debian, including the first edition of MiniDebConf Brasília and the online celebration of Debian’s 30th anniversary:
- Debian 30 years: 14th to 18th August - videos of the talks on YouTube.
- MiniDebConf Brasília: 25th to 27th May 2023 - photos and videos of the talks on YouTube.
During the 2020 pandemic, two online events dedicated to Debian took place:
- MiniDebConf Online Brazil 2020: 28th and 29th November - videos of the talks on YouTube.
- Stay at Home Use Debian: 3rd May to 6th June - videos of the talks on YouTube.
In 2019, Brazil hosted the 20th edition of DebConf in Curitiba.
In 2018, an event dedicated to Debian took place: the third edition of MiniDebConf in Curitiba:
- MiniDebConf Curitiba: April 11th to 14th, 2018 - photos, archives of the lecture videos and videos of the talks on YouTube.
In 2017, an event dedicated to Debian took place: the second edition of MiniDebConf in Curitiba:
- MiniDebConf Curitiba: March 17th to 19th, 2017 - photos, archives of the lecture videos and videos of the talks on YouTube.
In 2016, two events dedicated to Debian took place, one of them being the first edition of MiniDebConf in Curitiba:
- MiniDebConf Curitiba: March 5th and 6th, 2016 - photos.
- MiniDebConf at the 13th Latinoware: October 19th and 20th, 2016 - photos.
Additionally, in 2015, there were three smaller events:
- MicroDebConf in Brasília: May 31th, 2015.
- MiniDebConf at FISL16: July 10th, 2015 - photos, archives of the lecture videos and videos of the talks on YouTube.
- MiniDebConf at the 12th Latinoware: October 15th, 2015.
In 2004, Brazil hosted the 5th edition of DebConf in Porto Alegre.