Collective Funding
Note for contributors living outside Latin America
If you are part of the Debian community, and lives outside Latin America, please reach your usual channels for grants.
You can contribute financially to the organization of MiniDebConf Maceió 2025 by making a donation of any value, even if you do not intend to come to the event. The donation will be made to the ICTL - Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres (Institute for Conservation of Free Technologies), which is the non-profit entity that manages the resources of the event and which has some DDs between its members and directors.
The amount collected will be used in the payment of expenses such as:
- Graphic materials;
- T-shirts;
- Kits for the participants;
- Grants for tickets, accommodation and feeding;
- Coffee breaks.
As we said above, you can donate any amount, and the retributions will be split as below.
- Those who donate up to R$9.99 will not have their name published, but we are very grateful for their donation.
- Those who donate from R$10.00 to R$49.99 will have their names listed on the event’s website.
- Those who donate R$50.00 or more will have their names listed on the event’s website, they will have their names printed on a banner fixed at the venue, and they will get an exclusive toast to be revealed at MiniDebConf (if you cannot attend the event, send a message with your address to
Our initial goal is to reach at least the value of a gold sponsor, R$3,500.
Amount collected so far:
Note: the values are updated manually at the end of the day.
R$ 2.532,87
How to donate
Donate any value through Paypal!
Loja Curitiba Livre (Curitiba Livre shop)
You can also purchase products with the Debian logo in our online store at: We have t-shirts, porcelain mugs, cords for badge, and vinyl stickers. You can withdraw those products at the MiniDebConf Maceió, from 1st to 4th of May.
If there is a lot of money, it will be used in future events.
List of donors:
We will list below the names of donors (without values) as a form of recognition for help.
- Antonio B A Neto
- Antonio C C Marques
- Arthur Ricardo de Oliveira Dittrich
- Carlos Reinaldo Agostini
- Daniel de Melo Pimentel
- Daniel Lenharo de Souza
- Daniel Oliveira Mota
- Daniel Venturini
- Érick Rangel Gomes
- Fabio Augusto de Muzio Tobich
- Fabio de Carvalho Navarro
- Flavio Casas de Arcega
- Flavio Menezes dos Reis
- Fred Ulisses Maranhão
- Helen Mae Koike Fornazier
- Ivan Rodrigues Silva Pereira
- João Marcello Pereira
- João Pedro Nobrega Fernandes
- Klaibson Natal Ribeiro Borges
- Maira de Souza Canal
- Marcelo Gondim da Cunha
- Moises Santos Farias
- Nelson Silverio de Sant Ana Neto
- Paulo Eduardo de Almeida Santos
- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
- Pedro Arthur Pinheiro Rosa Duarte
- Ricardo da Cruz de Almeida
- Samuel Henrique dos Santos
- Samuel Henrique Oltramari Pinto
- Sérgio de Almeida Cipriano Junior
- Thiago D M Carvalho Pezzo
- Tiago Vaz
- Vinicius Vieira Marques
- Yuri Diego Santos Nitsuma
Note: If you want the donation to be anonymous so your name does not appear here on the site, just send a message to ou requesting deletion.